Many horror films from the late 1960s and the early 1970s are marked by disillusionment, by a sense of slipping reality, a malignant and sometimes surreal sense that the world is not a kind place. Films like Night of the Living Dead, The Devils, Straw Dogs and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre emerged from a period […]
Pulse (2001)
That Pulse came out when home internet was still in its relative infancy is particularly impressive given how prescient the film has continually proven itself.
Parasite: Screwball horror
Much has been made of Bong Joon-ho’s Parasite and its domination as a Korean production of awards season in the United States (including Best Picture at the Academy Awards). But to pigeonhole this as a “Korean” film suggests that it’s overcoming some sort of cultural divide. Bong has always been savvy about genre, combining a […]
In Fabric (2018)
A cursed red dress leads to misfortune for those who wear it – but with that jumping off point In Fabric leads down a deep rabbit hole of identity and belonging